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IIR's Geolocator

Transforms search results into a high-level geographic representation of activity

( IIRGMI ) Product Suite: Geolocator

Industrial Info Resources Geolocator tool, integrated directly within PECWeb, is available to all of our plant, project, unit, and offline event database subscribers. Bridging the gap between data and market intelligence with immediate ease, this geospatial tool transforms your search results into a visual representation of activity, while also providing enhanced functionality for analysis, mapping, summary tables, and graphing.

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( IIRGMI ) Geolocator optimized design and capability incorporates a comprehensive portfolio of map-based elements and data visualization features, providing you with numerous key benefits:

Radius Selection

Target Icon

Drill down from a global map view to a specific area on a map - your chosen level of zoom will allow you to display activity within that area, or you can choose to perform a quick radius search around that area. The radius diameter can be adjusted to your needs.

Detailed Summary Tables

Summary Icon

Tabular results are organized by selected summary values represented within the gradient ranges. For further analysis, click the geography tab to view your summary results within an interactive graph view that provides more granular detail. Specific to project results, additionally view summary graphs as TIV by kickoff or TIV by duration by clicking the appropriate graph tabs.

Identify Relevant Data Points

Data Icon

Plot individual plant locations, as well as clustering of data points where activity is denser. Clicking into any of these points will display details about that particular point, as well as a direct link back to PECWeb that will allow you to view the full report details. Clicking into the cluster will display a summary of the items contained within the cluster - you can quickly choose to link directly back to the underlying data in PECWeb.

High-Level Mapping

Search Icon

Create impactful heat maps to assess project spending, perform plant, unit, or event population analysis, or determine density within a selected region or radius.

Custom Graphs and Charts

Custom Icon

Create detailed graphs and charts based on your summarized values. Bar graphs are interactive, allowing you to drill down into deeper geographical detail.

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