Company Database
Company Profiles and ContactsCompany Database
Industrial Info Resources' Company Database spans the globe, including more than 370,000 company profiles. These profiles include plant, asset, and project owners, as well as developers, technology companies, E&C firms, architects, and similar companies that operate in the industrial market. IIR continuously verifies and updates these company profiles as ownership changes are identified, providing the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
Request More InfoKey Features:
- Query the company profiles by primary company type, industrial asset owner, or equipment & service provider, as well as 24 additional subtypes.
- Further filter by company name, geography, industry, and status to narrow your search results.
- See the relevant company associations. For example, see which projects have been awarded to an E&C company, or which plants are part of the Parent Companies Ownership Tree.
- "Ask Us" feature allows users to directly contact our researchers when additional company information or details are needed. Responses to your request are handled within 24 to 48 hours.

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