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IIR's market outlook report for the electric transmission and distribution sector is a unique, bottom-up analysis of the capital investments being proposed for the industry. In this report, subscribers can quickly analyze the market potential, hone in on specific drivers, and view which regions are being impacted with heavy investments.

Rich Dynamic Intelligence with an Expert's Perspective

IIR leverages its intelligence platform of future T&D capital projects related to the demand for electric infrastructure development, investments surrounding new power plant construction, new unit additions and brownfield power plant construction. This 40-page report outlines the potential market for T&D activity using specific projects reported by IIR. Our industry experts interpret the specific spending trends and highlight market drivers found in their research and surveys.

This Report Includes:
  • Specific focus on U.S. spending trends relating to infrastructure and power-generation site development
  • Spending statistics by geographic market region and state
  • Statistical breakout of the future project pipeline into pre-planning stage projects and funded, under-construction and committed projects
  • Commentary covering Market Drivers and Future Spending Trends
  • Executive Summary Output that includes Quarterly Updates
  • Quarterly 30-minute conference call with our industry experts (priced separately)

Get Timely, Significant and Insightful Market Analysis from the leaders in Industrial Market Intelligence.